Psychological Asessment

We conduct psychological assessments using standardised psychological tests to diagnose or rule out disorders such as ADHD or depression, evaluate abilities such as intelligence, assess neuro-psychological functioning and describe personality traits in which results will ultimately be used.

We are distinguished by the interpretive skill of our Clinical Psychologist and our strict adherence to ethical practice standards. We provide psychological assessment reports for medico-legal and forensic purposes and professional testimony for courts.

Our reports are unique in the depth and quality of interpretations and the clarity of communication.

Some of the common psychological assessments we conduct are:

↳ ADHD Assessment
↳ Behavioural Assessments
↳ Intellectual Functioning
↳ Learning Disabilities

For more information, please feel free to call us on +91-8826022886 or you can reach us through the following options

↳ Legal Assessments
↳ Neuro Psychological Assessments
↳ Personality Assessments